It's all about the children
At Watermead Day Nursery we are proud to use the phrase 'It's all about the children' because, you can be rest assured, everything that is done at the nursery is for the benefit of those under our care. Whether that be new, innovative approaches to room layout, to enhance the experience, or on going staff development, to ensure the children receive the best care available. It also includes site redevelopment to provide new, bespoke facilities and areas that can only help the children to flourish and grow.
This page is dedicated to current and future projects to give you an insight in to how we aim to maintain the high standards at Watermead Nursery through our forward thinking and planning and how our ambition to be the BEST nursery in the country is going to be achieved.
Poolside Development
Back when Brook Farm House was our family home, Peter Allen. Sarah's father installed a heated pool in the courtyard. When we bought back the property and renovated it as a family home, it was our intention to upgrade the heating system and get the pool back in full working order.
Now the nursery has inherited the building, and as part of our continuing desire to improve the setting, we have decided to drain the pool down and install a permanent cover. This will prove a great addition to the outdoor space at Brook Farm House giving a grass covered play area in the courtyard. But we're not going to stop there with designs being drawn up for a bespoke pergola to give a shady escape for the children when they are using poolside!

Brook Farmhouse Flood Defences
Wood Brook winds its way through the front garden of Brook Farm House providing a picturesque view for the Pre-school children. It serves as a wildlife sanctuary, with trout swimming in the flowing water, crayfish scuttling along the bottom and Kingfishers often seen sitting on the slate bridge catching the sun. Badgers trace a path along the bank of the brook and recently, an otter has been seen examining the bridge before disappearing back towards the outwoods. The children often spend time in the summer months paddling in the brook or picnicking on the bank.
In the winter months the brook can often be overwhelmed by the quantity of water coming off of the outwoods and this has led to erosion of the bank and damage to the bridge. An area constructed by Sarah's late father, Peter Allen, including a seated area for contemplation, has also succumbed to the flow.
Work has now be undertaken to strengthen the bank, and repair the bridge which will hopefully protect the farm house for years to come as well as keep the brook flowing.