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Safety and Security
At Watermead safety and security are the number one priority. The nursery offers safe, secure grounds across both Watermead Nursery and Brook Farm House, protected by high definition CCTV. All rooms have CCTV and we are very proud to be the only nursery in Loughborough who provides a biometric fingerprint entry system, provided by ALMAS Industries, to gain access to the settings. This ensures that only registered parents and staff can gain access.
Health and Safety Procedures are constantly in use to ensure that children are cared for in the best possible way and the team at Watermead receive regular updates and training on Health and Safety issues within the nursery.

Our Health and Safety Policy Statement
"It is the policy of the Nursery Management to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, and to provide such information and supervision as they need for this purpose. We also accept our responsibility for the health and safety of others who may be affected by our activities."

Day Nursery and Pre-School
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