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  • Nicola Colman

An ambulance visits Watermead

Sammi, room leader of Robins describes the visit:

“Today we were very excited as we had an ambulance come to visit the nursery. The children had a chance to go into the ambulance and explore, they were very vocal when the ambulance arrived outside Watermead.

“Wow nee naa”

“Yellow ambulance”.

The children were asked if they wanted to see the flashing lights, they all wanted to see the flashing lights! Once on board the ambulance the children explored, they all got the chance to sit on the bed and all together they pretended to be a train all lined up.

The lady paramedics blew up a glove and drew a smiley face to make a hedgehog, they gave the children cardboard bowls and the children wore them as hats. The paramedics blew bubbles and turned the mood lighting on inside the ambulance – it was like a disco!

Once back in the nursery we coloured in some pictures of ambulances. They coloured the lights on top of the ambulance blue and the ambulance itself in yellow. The children spoke about the ambulance with excitement and made ambulance noises together.

We really like our two new paramedic friends, thank you Sarah and Pam”

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